Sunday, July 18, 2010

9 Secrets of Achieving Financial Freedom, Pt VIII

“9 Secrets of Achieving Financial Freedom Pt VIII”

As I conclude this series on the ‘9 Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom’, let’s begin with a review of what we’ve covered so far. The Secret of Decision states that before you can accomplish any goal, you must ‘decide’ what you truly want. With the Secret of Total Commitment and the Secret of Clarity you commit to do, “Whatever it takes” to succeed and get very clear exactly what success will look like for you. Once you’re clear about what you intend to achieve, use the Secret of Decisive Action to both develop and execute a written game plan. Any goal worth achieving will likely involve many challenges and obstacles so you’ll need to fortify yourself by implementing the Secret of Perfect Attitude. With this secret you discover that while you may have little choice regarding your challenges and obstacles, you get to choose how you react to them. That choice allows you to respond in a positive, constructive and productive way…and will hasten your journey to success. Adopting the attitude of success allows you to incorporate the Secret of Financial Focus. Each day ask yourself, “What can I do today that will move me closer to my goal?” and then take a positive step. Most major goals are accomplished with hundreds of ‘baby steps’. The Secret of Passive Income states that to be truly financially free, you must create a source of cash flow outside of your own paycheck that is at least equal to lifestyle expenses. Think of it as a way of ‘automating’ your success. With the Secret of Leverage, you’re looking for ways to accelerate your success…to reduce the time it would normally take otherwise. In the world of personal finance leverage is available in many forms. Donald Trump and millions of other people use financial leverage to create personal fortunes with modest amounts of money. Business owners use ‘people’ leverage to magnify results. Just look at what Bill Gates has accomplished by assembling a group of highly talented employees. Our government provides tax laws that allow you to leverage returns through tax deductible retirement plans. And the list goes on and on.

This brings us to the final secret, the Secret of Team. Rarely have I met a Self-Made Multimillionaire who got there without a lot of help. In fact, built into most Self-Made Multimillionaires DNA is the intuitive knowledge that they’ll need to develop a Team; seek out mentors; and model others who have gone where they intend to go. You should do likewise. Whatever your goal, think about who you could get to help you achieve it. It might be a professional, a friend, a family member or someone you don’t know personally but will need to meet. You’ll find most people are willing to help you if you’ll just ask.

In my own Ultimate Fitness Quest, I used all of the above ‘secrets’ as I set out to lose 20 pounds of body fat in 40 days and cut my waistline from 37 inches to 34 inches. Each secret proved critical to success as each is interconnected. By day 40, I lost 20 ¼ pounds and cut my waistline to 33 inches. So where do I go from here? I’ll set a new health and fitness goal that builds on my current success. You can as well. Whether your goals are in the area of personal finance or fitness, take the first step today and visit

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